There’s a Circus in Town

There’s a circus in town
Election circus is in town
Selling us Utopia
Cashing on our Myopia
Begging for our votes
Enticing us with notes
There’s a circus in town
Election circus is in town
Bottles mask the potholes
Money masks the assholes
The trivial trumps the actual
The troll trumps the factual
There’s a circus in town
Election circus is in town
Clowns pose as knights
As defaulters board flights
Caste & cult, a heady combo
Leaving the nation in a Limbo
There’s a circus in town
Election circus is in town
Devotion to them is delusion
Choice is but an illusion
Election day is quite an occasion
Leading to five years of suffocation
There’s a circus in town
Election circus is in town
All of us yearn for the pinnacle
All we get is election spectacle
Money and power are in bed
Leaving our democracy in red
There’s a circus in town
Election circus is in town
The crooks get the crowns
And make us all clowns
It’s been quite a long night
There’s no dawn still in sight
There’s a circus in town
Election circus is in town

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